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   Jake French Of Cross the Divide


I found out about this band on twitter thru one of there video posts, Heard there

Music and Immediatly wanted to Interview them. With Smart Thought provoking

lyrics and Hard Rocking Beats i was a fan. Iam so glad to have them join our 

little part of the web. Really they rock Check them out by clicking on the links

at the bottom of the page. Lets See what Jake French Has to share.


TRA: When did you start playing?

JF: I started playing drums when I was 8 years old, because my father had band

 practice in the house when I was growing up, and that was always what caught my eye the most.


TRA: Why the Drums?

JF: I actually do play guitar, bass, and sing as well. I chose drums as my main 

instrument for a few reasons. Everyone and their grandmother can learn how to play a guitar if they so choose to, but some say that you have to be born with

rhythm. Either you have it, or you don’t.


TRA: When was your first show and how did it go?

JF: My first show technically was through a summer band program where we got

to learn two songs and perform them at one of the local venues. I was probably 11 

at the time. It was a terrifying experience to say the least.


TRA:Do you believe you have a style of playing if so how would you describe it? 

JF: I have a driving style of playing. I don’t like to sit back and be subtle part of 

the music. I like to be heard and strive to make my part intricate enough to stand 

as a driving part of the rhythm section.


TRA:Do you play any other instruments?

JF: I play drums, guitar, bass, trumpet, and sing. 


TRA: What Inspires you?

JF: My biggest inspiration is the joy that I receive when a song gives me a 

physical feeling of awe. When a song is able to bring me a sense of utter beauty, 

I want to replicate that feeling for anyone and everyone I possibly can.


TRA: What do you think you bring to the band?

JF: I’ve brought ideas of song structures, alternation in writing styles, and 

ability to change up the way that we as a group can approach the writing process

A band should work and act as a family, and being in a band with two brothers 

sure does help that along, but they were very accepting of me and all of my ideas 

when the project of us three came to be.


TRA: What are you most passionate about, Being a musician?

JF: Music is my biggest passion, and the joining of this band has given me the 

opportunity to finally strive for it and know that I have a full opportunity to get 

where I want to be.


TRA: Who are your influences?

JF: My biggest idol/influence is Dave Grohl; there will never been a replacement

for that. My drumming influences include: Chris Adler, Shawn Drover, Travis

Barker, and Chris Thatcher. 


TRA: Is there something you tried and tried to do but you never quite got or it 

was tough but you finally got it? musically?

JF: I have trouble using my left hand and foot very well, which is just something 

I need to work on harder and harder to get it up to speed. 


TRA: If you could have a dream band i mean besides your own, who you would 

put in it and what kind of music would you play?

JF: I’ve never really thought about this. Overall, there are so many different 

musicians who give huge aspects to each kind of music, I just don’t think I’d be 

able to pick a genre or lineup to have a ‘supergroup.’


TRA: What was your first concert?

|JF: 2007, Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom. I was 12 years old, on the front 

barricade for Megadeth.


TRA: What are you listening to?

JF: The Sidekicks, Iron Chic, Streetlight Manifesto, and Machine Head. All very 

different, genres from themselves, but so close to me in their own way.


TRA: Was there a changing moment in your life when you realized that this was for you, that Drums were your passion and you needed to learn it? if so what was that?

JF: I got a group together when I was 15 that was an absolute failure, but the 

guitarist and I seemed to click very well together. The next week, he came over an 

hour early to try to get some different music together, and it worked wonderfully. 

We came to be in a band together for 5 years after that. That first click was my real look into knowing that I had some special connection to playing the drums, so it stuck to me; that’s when I decided to focus my time and effort on it.


TRA: What are your plans for the future?

JF: My plans are to take Cross the Divide as far as we possibly can. I am never 

opposed to being in multiple projects at once, however this is definitely my main 

focus. My hope is that we can record a new EP or LP in the near future, and really 

start pushing to get the new music that we have out to the public, and start traveling 

around doing what we love.


TRA: What is your favorite song to play and why?

JF: My favorite song to play that we’ve written would have to be either Wreck 

Ignition, or a new one we’re writing which currently has no name. Each of the 

songs really showcases my talent, and they both have great feelings to them 

behind the kit. For favorite song to play that I didn’t write, probably “This is 

the End” by Machine Head. Gives a mixture of challenge, rhythm, and in total 

is just such a fun song to play.


TRA: Tell us about your band: 

JF: My band is great, overall. Our personalities differ in a way that brings us closer as friends, and we all have great ideas when it comes to writing the music. We have a heavy sound, which is always what I’ve wanted to be a part of. I get to play the drums how I learned them growing up, and put my own spin on certain techniques you learn over the years. We have driving guitar parts, which draw you in as a listener, bass lines that fit perfectly in the middle between intricate and full on rhythm, and drums that put the final piece into the puzzle. We are a big working machine, putting everything we know how to do in every song that we write, and I wouldn’t trade this opportunity for the world


                                          Cross The Divides website 



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